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(Many of these publications are available at:

Contributed to The Archaeological Excavation of Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion, Mathers et al, Pacific Sea Resources, 1990.


Excavation of an Oriental Vessel of c. 1690 off Con Dao, Vietnam, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Volume 21(3), 1992.


A Preliminary Survey of a Southeast Asian Wreck, Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam, Flecker, M., Blake, W., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Volume 23(2), 1994.


Magnetometer Survey of Malacca Reclamation Site, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Volume 25(2), 1996.


The Archaeological Excavation of the Java Sea Wreck, Mathers, W., Flecker, M., Pacific Sea Resources, 1997.


The 13th Century Java Sea Wreck: Bulk Iron and Ceramics from China, Flecker, M., Proceedings of the Fujian Ceramics Conference, Singapore / Chicago, 1999.


Three 18th Century Shipwrecks off Ujung Pandang, Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia - A Coincidence?, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Volume 28(1), 1999.


A 9th Century Arab or Indian Shipwreck in Indonesian Waters, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Volume 29(2), 2000.


A 9th Century AD Arab or Indian Shipwreck in Indonesia: First Evidence for Direct Trade with China, Flecker, M., World Archaeology, Volume 32(3), 2001.

Porcelain from the Vung Tau Wreck: the Hallstrom Excavation, Jörg, C., Flecker, M., Sun Tree Publishing Ltd., UK, 2001.


The Bakau Wreck: an Early Example of Chinese Shipping in Southeast Asia, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Volume 30(2), 2001.

The Archaeological Excavation of the 10th Century Intan Shipwreck, Flecker, M., Ph.D. Thesis, National University of Singapore, 2001: BAR International Series 1047, Archaeopress, Oxford, 2002.

The Ethics, Politics, and Realities of Maritime Archaeology in Southeast Asia, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Volume 31(1), 2002.

A cargo of Zhangzhou porcelain found off Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam, Flecker, M., Oriental Art, Vol. XLVIII No.5, 2002.


The Thirteenth-Century Java Sea Wreck: A Chinese Cargo in an Indonesian Ship, Flecker, M., The Mariner's Mirror, Vol.89 No.4, November 2003.


The Binh Thuan Shipwreck: Archaeological Report, Christie's Australia, containing the complete Archaeological Report by Flecker, M., Melbourne, 2004.


Treasure from the Java Sea: the 10th century Intan Wreck, Flecker, M., Heritage Asia, Dec 2004.


Unreported Shipwrecks in Indonesia, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology Newsletter, 2005.4.


Maritime Archaeology in Vietnam: Ahead of the Rest, Flecker, M., Minerva Magazine (The International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology), Vol. 15 No. 3, May/June 2004.


Contacts between India and Srivijaya: The Shipwreck Evidence, Flecker, M., Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Archaeology, New Delhi, 2005.


The Advent of Chinese Sea-Going Shipping: A Look at the Shipwreck Evidence, Flecker, M., Proceedings of the International Conference on Chinese Export Ceramics and Maritime Trade, 12th-15th Centuries, City University of Hong Kong, 2005.


Shipwreck Policies Throughout Asia: A First-Hand Account, Flecker, M., Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Conference Proceedings, Manila, 2006


The South-China-Sea Tradition: The Hybrid Hulls of South-East Asia, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 2006.


16th Century Portuguese Shipwreck Found off Malacca, Flecker, M., Heritage Asia Magazine, Vol. 4, No.1, January -March 2007.


A 9th-Century Arab or Indian Shipwreck in Indonesian Waters: Addendum, Flecker, M., International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Volume 37(2), 2008.


Maritime Archaeology in Southeast Asia, Flecker, M., in Southeast Asian Ceramics: New Light on Old Pottery, edited by Miksic, J.N., Southeast Asian Ceramics Society, Editions Didier Millet, 2009.


A 9th-Century Arab Shipwreck in Indonesian Waters, Flecker, M., in Shipwrecked: Tang Treasures and Monsoon Winds, edited by Regina Krahl et al., Smithsonian Institution, 2010.


Wrecked Twice: Shipwrecks as a Cultural Resource in Southeast Asia, Flecker, M., in Rethinking Cultural Resource Management in Southeast Asia: Preservation, Development and Neglect, edited by Miksic, J.N., Geok, Y.G, O'Connor, S., Anthem Press, 2011.


The Jade Dragon Wreck: Sabah, East Malaysia, Flecker, M., The Mariner's Mirror, Vol. 98, No. 1, 2012.


Rake and Pillage: The Fate of Shipwrecks in Southeast Asia, Flecker, M., in Marine Archaeology in Southeast Asia: Innovation and Adaptation, Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore, 2012.


The Maritime Archaeological Potential of Melaka, Flecker, M., in Ancient Harbours in Southeast Asia, edited by Miksic, J.N., Geok, Y.G., SEAMEO SPAFA Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts, Bangkok, 2013.


The China-Borneo Ceramics Trade Around the 13th Century: The Story of Two Wrecks, Flecker, M., in Ancient Silk Trade Routes: Selected Works from a Symposium on Cross Cultural Exchanges and Their Legacies in Asia, Editors: Qin Dashu and Yuan Jian, World Scientific, Singapore, 2015, pp.111-136.


Early Voyaging in the South China Sea: Implications on Territorial Claims, Flecker, M., Nalanda Sriwijaya Centre Working Paper No. 19, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2015.

Two 17th Century Chinese Junks: a Comparison, Flecker, M., in Proceedings of the International Symposium on the 16-17th Century Maritime Silk Road, Guangzhou, China, 2016, pp.31-45.


The Origin of the Tang Wreck: A Look at its Archaeology and History, Flecker, M., in The Tang Shipwreck: Art and Exchange in the 9th Century, Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore, 2017, pp.22-39.


Legislation on Underwater Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asia: Evolution and Outcomes, Flecker, M., Trends in Southeast Asia, 2017 No.23, ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, 2017.


Java Sea Wreck Dating, Flecker, M., Nalanda Srivijaya Centre, Highlights No.10, 2018.


The Lingga Wreck: An Early 12th Century Southeast Asian Ship with a Chinese Cargo, Flecker, M., Southeast Asian Archaeological Site Reports​, NUS Press, Singapore, 2019.

The Flying Fish Wreck, Flecker, M., Tai Yew Seng, published by Five Dynasty Antiques, Kuala Lumpur, 2019.

Sister ships: three early 12th century CE shipwrecks in Southeast Asia, Flecker, M., Current Science, Shipwreck Section, Indian Academy of Scientists, India, 2019.

The Flying Fish Wreck: An Early 12th Century Southeast Asian Ship with a Chinese Cargo, Flecker, M., Sabah Museum Journal, Vol. 3, Sabah Museum, 2020.

The Mysterious Malay Jong and Other Temasek Shipping, Flecker, M., in 1819 & Before: Singapore’s Pasts, edited by Kwa Chong Guan, ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore, 2021.

How Maritime Archaeology Can Contribute to the Learning of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Singapore History in Schools, Flecker, M., Sim, T., in Fieldwork in Humanities Education in Singapore, edited by Teddy Sim and Hwee Hwang Sim, Springer, Singapore, 2021.

Public Lectures

17th century Singapore, Singapore Bicentennial Series

What Treasures Lie in Singapore Waters? Singapore Maritime Heritage Interest Group

Sister Ships: Three 12th Century Shipwrecks in Southeast Asia, Sabah Society

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