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Dr Michael Flecker – Resume



Educational Background


B. Eng (Civil) 1st Class Hons (University of Western Australia)


Ph.D. (Maritime Archaeology – Southeast Asian Studies) (National University of Singapore)



Academic Appointments


Singapore (2019-2020): Visiting Fellow at the Archaeological Unit, ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. Directed shipwreck survey, excavation and documentation. Conducted artefact conservation and follow-up research.

Singapore (2016-2017): Visiting Fellow (18 months) at the Nalanda Sriwijaya Centre, ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. Directed shipwreck survey, excavation and documentation. Examined the development of shipwreck legislation in various Southeast Asian countries with a view to informing Singapore legislators.


Singapore (2015): Visiting Fellow (6 months) at the Nalanda Sriwijaya Centre, ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. Examined early shipping in the South China Sea with a view to historic claims in this troubled region.


Singapore (1998-2001):  Obtained a Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore.  The doctoral thesis was based on the excavation of the 10th century Intan Wreck and included a detailed description of the ship, artefacts, and their distribution, which lead to discussion on trade routes, ship building technology, and most importantly, the interaction of trade, religion and cultures as evidenced by the recovered artefacts.   The thesis was subsequently published by Archaeopress.


Archaeological Projects


Indonesia (2018): Investigated an early 12th century lashed-lug Southeast Asian ship with a cargo of Guangdong ceramics and iron. The wreck had been excavated under license but without archaeological supervision. It is now known as the Lingga Wreck.


Sabah, Malaysia (2017-2018): In conjunction with the Sabah Museum and a private company, excavated an early 12th century lashed-lug Southeast Asian ship with a cargo of Fujian ceramics and iron. It is now known as the Flying Fish Wreck. Wrote a book on the excavation and cargo - see Publications.


Ireland (2013): With a combination of magnetometer, side-scan and fishermen information, located the WWI wreck, Eugene Pergeline, in 120 m of water off County Cork.


Sabah, Malaysia (2011): Archaeologically investigated a shipwreck find off the northernmost tip of Borneo. Despite intervention just three months after the initial discovery, the wreck was found to be completely looted.  Remnants revealed that the ship was a late example of Southeast Asian lashed-lug construction, and was carrying an exclusive cargo of Longquan celadon from China to Borneo.  It is now known as the Jade Dragon Wreck.  With a permit from the Sabah Museum, carried out side-scan-sonar and magnetometer survey in two areas adjacent to the Jade Dragon Wreck.


Indonesia (2008): Inspected a 15th century shipwreck with a small cargo of Chinese blue-and-white porcelain and Thai ceramics in the Java Sea.  Found the wreck to be heavily looted.  No hull remains were found, however from the cargo and period, the vessel was probably of the South China Sea Tradition.


North Atlantic (2007-2008): Undertook deep water side-scan and magnetometer surveys for WWI shipwrecks, utilising an ROV to inspect the numerous wrecks that were discovered.


Oman (2007-2008): Consultant maritime archaeologist for the design and construction of a replica Arab dhow based on the 9th century Belitung Wreck.  The project was a joint venture between the Oman and Singapore governments, designated the “Jewel of Muscat”.


Brazil (2006-2007):  Established a research programme and carried out preliminary side-scan and magnetometer surveys.


Malaysia (2004-2005):  Founded Maritime Explorations (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and acquired a permit to survey for shipwrecks in Malacca Strait.  The initial side-scan and magnetometer survey resulted in the discovery of a late 16th century shipwreck, the oldest European wreck so far discovered in Malaysia.  Subsequent survey led to the discovery of two more wrecks of similar vintage, lying side-by-side on the seabed.


Vietnam (2004):  Surveyed two 15th century Thai shipwrecks off Phu Quoc Island.  Unfortunately both were heavily looted, although one had much coherent hull remaining.  Both contained cargoes of Thai Sukhothai and Sawankhalok ceramics.


Vietnam (2003):  In conjunction with the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, the Vietnam Salvage Corporation, and the Binh Thuan People's Committee, directed the excavation of an early 17th century Chinese junk with a cargo of Zhangzhou (Swatow) ceramics and iron pans. It is the first cargo of Zhangzhou ceramics to ever be discovered, and one of the few Chinese junks as yet found in Southeast Asian waters.  It is now known as the Binh Thuan Wreck.


Philippines (2002):  Carried out visual and magnetometer survey for a frigate engaged in the “Manila Galleon” trade.  Found possible evidence of the initial wrecking location, although it seems that she eventually sank in deep water.


Indonesia (2000):  Directed the excavation of an 18th century wreck found by Maritime Explorations during an earlier side-scan-sonar survey.  Mobilised a 55 m accommodation / dive support barge from Singapore and used an in-water decompression-on-oxygen diving system to recover a significant cargo of tin and copper ingots.


Indonesia (1999):  Led a successful side-scan-sonar survey for an 18th century shipwreck lost in the Java Sea.


Indonesia (1999):  Carried out side-scan-sonar and magnetometer survey on a speculative basis around reefs to the north of Java, lying across the trade routes of pre-European Asian vessels.


Indonesia (1998):  Directed the excavation of a 9th century Arab ship with a cargo of Chinese ceramics, mostly from the Changsha kilns, now known as the Belitung (or Tang) Wreck.  This is the oldest intact wreck so far found in Asia, and is the first 'proof' of direct trade between the western Indian Ocean and China during the first millennium CE.


Indonesia (1998):  Excavated an early 15th century Chinese wreck with a cargo of large Thai storage jars, and a small amount of Sukhothai, Sawankhalok, and Longquan ceramics, now known as the Bakau Wreck. Much of the hull survived.


Indonesia (1997-1998):  Investigated 24 shipwrecks across the Archipelago, most brought to light by fishermen's accidental discoveries, but some found through research and magnetometer survey. These included a 14th century wreck off Belitung, an early 18th century wreck in the Thousand Islands, and four late 18th century wrecks in Sulawesi.


Indonesia (1997):  Directed the excavation of a 10th century shipwreck in the Java Sea, the oldest Southeast Asian shipwreck (as opposed to hull) to be archaeologically excavated.  It is now known as the Intan Wreck.  A vast array of artefacts were recovered including approximately 8,000 Chinese ceramics, glass ware, tin and bronze ingots, scrap bronze, Chinese mirrors and coins, bronze religious artefacts, ivory, aromatic resin, grind stones, sharpening stones, bones, a variety of teeth, weighing scales, silver ingots, and gold jewellery.


Indonesia/Singapore/USA (1996-1997):  Directed the excavation of 12,000 Chinese Song dynasty ceramics and numerous artefacts from a mid-13th century shipwreck, now known as the Java Sea Wreck.  Utilised a 55 m accommodation / dive support barge, with surface-decompression-on-oxygen. The wreck also contained some 200 tonnes of cast and wrought iron, the first evidence that large quantities of Chinese wrought iron were shipped to Southeast Asia.


Malaysia (1995):  Carried out magnetometer survey in conjunction with the Malacca Museum Corporation to ascertain whether historically significant shipwreck material lay within areas earmarked for reclamation off Malacca.


Vietnam (1993-1994):  Carried out a magnetometer survey for Portuguese and Asian shipwrecks on a remote bank near the island of Phu Qui in the south of Vietnam.  Two ancient anchors were located under a metre of coral, however adverse weather conditions and severe geological magnetism precluded full investigation.


Vietnam (1993):  Carried out five months of magnetometer survey work on a number of hazardous reefs in the Vietnamese held area of the Spratly Archipelago, locating six pre-20th century wrecks, one of which was the famous tea clipper, Taeping.


Singapore (1992):  Mobilised a supply boat and equipment for the excavation of the San Diego, a Spanish galleon that sank in the Philippines in the year 1600 during a battle with the Dutch.  The project was carried out by Frank Goddio of World Wide First.


Gulf of Thailand (1991):  Maritime Archaeologist for the excavation of an early 16th century Southeast Asian shipwreck fully laden with Thai ceramics, lying 55 m deep in the central Gulf of Thailand.  Helium-oxygen saturation diving was used for the first time to excavate an ancient wreck site, now known as the Klang Aow Wreck.


Malaysia (1991):  Directed a survey to locate an English ship lost in 1817 in the Malacca Straits. Developed specialised side-scan-sonar techniques for pinpointing and investigating targets in an area of high currents and zero visibility.  Three historic wrecks were discovered, but it was another three years before the target wreck was finally located.


Vietnam (1991):  Directed a pre-disturbance survey of a 15th century vessel loaded with Thai ceramics, primarily Sawankhalok celadon, which wrecked off the island of Phu Quoc on the west coast of Vietnam.


Vietnam (1990-1991):  Directed the excavation of a 17th century Oriental vessel that sank in 35 m of water off the islands of Con Dao in the south of Vietnam, now known as the Vung Tau Wreck.  Utilised a 61 m supply boat with surface-decompression-on-oxygen, to recover 48,000 ceramic items, predominately Kangxi blue-and-white porcelain, and several hundred non-ceramic artefacts from the vessel.  Conserved the non-ceramic artefacts that are still on display in the Vung Tau Museum.


South China Sea (1989-1990):  Carried out extensive magnetometer surveys in the South China Sea locating many wrecks, mostly Japanese merchant vessels sunk during World War II.  Also worked on board a 36 m survey schooner performing magnetometer and side-scan sonar surveys for historic shipwrecks off eastern Africa.


Mariana Islands (1987-1989):  Diving Supervisor and Project Engineer for the excavation of the 1638 Manila Galleon, Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion, in Saipan.   Thousands of pieces of intricately worked gold jewellery, porcelain, storage jars, ship's fittings and personal items were recovered over two seasons.  Ten thousand dives were logged in water depths up to 75 m.  The complete collection is now housed in a museum in Saipan.


Asia (1984):  First Mate and diver aboard a 24 m survey schooner carrying out exploratory dives for shipwrecks between Sri Lanka and the east coast of Thailand.


Engineering Projects


Singapore (2014): ExxonMobil. Project Controls Engineer on the Bunyu Urip FSO conversion project at Sembawang Shipyard. Compiled operations manuals for the multitude of on-board systems. Coordinated stewardship transfer, inclusive of risk management, first fills, spares inventory, lessons learned, and close out report.


Australia/Singapore (2012-2013): ICON Engineering / Beagle Bay Marine. Project Manager. Undertook a detailed study of cyclone mooring requirements for Woodside Energy Limited’s proposed Browse LNG Project marine construction spread, inclusive of detailed metocean analysis. Examined mooring systems capable of withstanding extreme cyclone loads. Determined the viability of various ports and remote anchorages in Kimberley region of Western Australia vis-à-vis shelter, emergency facilities, air access, and environmental vulnerability.


Australia (2011): Appointed Director of Beagle Bay Marine Pty. Ltd., a company established to design, construct and operate a Marine Support Facility at Beagle Bay in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The Facility is intended to support the development of the LNG resource in the adjacent Browse Basin, and will incorporate heavy lift capability, bulk liquid storage, and extensive hard-standing. With a tidal range in excess of 8 m, an arrangement of grounding floating docks is envisaged, alongside a concrete wharf incorporating an advanced fender system. The work has been done in consultation with Traditional Owners. Having completed a feasibility study and conceptual engineering the project is on hold until the development of Browse Basin resumes.


Australia (2009-10): Brookfield Multiplex. Deputy Project Manager for the Alkimos Sewerage Treatment Plant outfall construction. 3 km of limestone reef were trenched using drilling and blasting, a back-hoe dredge, and a jack-up dredge. Deployed a 15 tonne Stevpris hold-back anchor and 5.6 km of 90 mm diameter pull-wire as a precursor to installing 3.8 km of 1.5 m diameter weight-coated steel pipe by the bottom pull method. Served as Marine Superintendent during the pipe pull, on a 55 m pull-barge fitted with a 400 tonne capacity linear winch and a four-point mooring system.


Singapore/Algeria (2009): Hyflux. Marine Project Manager. Having sourced a suitable spread in Europe, dredged through 300 m of rock to depths up to 7 m below seabed level for the installation of 2.6 m and 1.8 m diameter GRP pipe for a 200 million litre a day desalination plant intake and discharge. Utilised a back-hoe dredge fitted with a Liebherr 994. Local hopper barges were converted to pipe carriers for the installation, with alignment and coupling being facilitated by divers.


Malaysia (1992): Ipco. Development Engineer for the preparation of a feasibility study examining the viability and design of a private sector port in Lumut for presentation to the Perak State Government. Examined various wharf and crane layouts in conjunction with projected cargo throughputs. Determined the tariff structure for an acceptable rate of return. As a result of the study the Lumut Maritime Terminal was constructed by Ipco in 1993. Subsequently carried out similar studies for a general cargo port in Yangon, Myanmar, and for a coal transhipment terminal in Cai Lan, Vietnam.


South Africa (1990): Casing JV. Civil Engineer for the planning and engineering stages of the Mossgas Offshore Platform Hook-Up and Commissioning, the first project of its type in the country.


East Malaysia (1989): Ipco. Senior Civil Engineer on a 132 KVA Electrical Transmission Project delivering power from Labuan Island to the Sabah mainland. Mainly responsible for constructing concrete tower foundations through swamp and jungle and for overseeing the laying of two 14.5 km submarine cables from Labuan to the Sabah mainland.


Iran (1985): Ipco / National Iranian Oil Company. Project Engineer for the installation of 4 x 42” x 21 km offshore pipelines installed by the bottom pull method. Initially supervised the import of pipe, equipment, construction camp, etc. at the port of Bushehr and onward trucking to site, inclusive of harbour dredging. Later supervised earthworks for the stringing yard, including a cut through a limestone coastal ridge, and the hook-up to the onshore manifold.


Papua New Guinea (1985): Ipco. Project Engineer for land and marine geophysical, bathymetric and environmental surveys for Ok Tedi’s proposed copper transshipment terminal near the mouth of the Fly River.


Australia (1983): Graduated with a First Class Honours Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Western Australia.

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